MR2/I Command Line switches 08 May 2005 SHL Options are case insensitive. Spacing is important. Value must immediately follow switch unless shown otherwise. =================== === mr2i mr2iu ==== =================== // Enable address groups (obsolete). /+ Restore and bring focus to a minimized/buried copy of MR/2 ICE. /- Minimize an existing, running copy of MR2 ICE. /` Shut down running instance of ICE. /1 Start with inbox displayed (the default). /2 Start with outbox displayed. /3 Start with FOLDERS index displayed. /B Set buffer size (default = 20K). Range is force to between 512 and 32K. /C /Ccodepage Set code page. For example: mr2i /C866 /D /Dmessagefile logfile Detach files. For example: mr2i /Dmessagefile logfile will load MR2 ICE, detach all attachments found in the named message file. A list of all detached files will be written to the named logfile. If no logfile is specified, the log is written to stdout. /E Start a new email to selected address. For example: mr2i / starts MR2 ICE and immediately invokes new message dialog for specified address. /F /Ffontnumber Force ICE to use selected font. For example: mr2i /F9 starts ICE with font 9 where: zero is used to denote the System Proportional Font, and 1-30 can be used to override this setting (for the problematic windows ONLY). Using /F1 will cause the text to show up and make the application functional. For those that are particular about their fonts, you can select one of these following numbers: 0 - SystemProp 16 - HelvOLB 1 - Courier8 17 - HelvOLBI 2 - Courier10 18 - TmsRmn8 3 - Courier12 19 - TmsRmn10 4 - CourierOL 20 - TmsRmn12 5 - CourierOLI 21 - TmsRmn14 6 - CourierOLB 22 - TmsRmn18 7 - CourierOLBI 23 - TmsRmn24 8 - Helv8 24 - TmsRmnOL 9 - Helv10 25 - TmsRmnOLI 10 - Helv12 26 - TmsRmnOLB 11 - Helv14 27 - TmsRmnOLBI 12 - Helv18 28 - SysMono10 13 - Helv24 29 - SysMono12 14 - HelvOL 30 - SymbolOL 15 - HelvOLI /H Set path where mr2i.exe is found. This happens immediately after program loads. /I /Iinifile Use specified .INI file. /K /Knumber Set read timeout. /K set default timeout (90 seconds) /Kx sets timeout to x seconds /K0 will turn timeout checking OFF /L Enable logging. Output is directed to "mr2i.log." /Ln Enable level 'n' logging where n is between 1 and 3. /M /Mprofilename.cfg Start with selected profile. No spaces allowed and explicit .cfg extensions is required. /N Set news file path. Not tested outside of the default MR2 dir hierarchy. Intended to allow accounts to share NEWS setups, or to have some control over which news setup is loaded. Downside: general news settings are still stored with mail account. For example: mr2i /MAdvantis.cfg /Nmail\news will load MR2 ICE with a MAIL account of "advantis" while still access the default news data in mail\news. Per Nick as of 4/2000 full paths might work. /O /Ofilename.msg Open ICE with selected message. This option accepts up to three parameters: mr2i /Obad.msg "This is the reason" "Bad Message!" The above example loads the file "bad.msg" into an active message editor window. It then pops up a message box with the text specified as parameter 2 and the title of parameter 3. If parameter 3 is not specified, the title "NOTE!!" is used. If parameter 2 is not specified, no message box is displayed. /Ofilename can be used to specify an existing message file (properly formed as per RFC-822) to be automatically opened on program load. /P /Pn Use specified POP port. Specifying "Mr2i /P1111" will cause ICE to use port 1111 for POP3 services. /PN /PNn Specify specifid port for NNTP news. For example: mr2i /PN1001 tells MR2 to access the newsserver using port 1001. /Q /Qfilename Add the named file to the MR2 ICE outbox and exit. File is assumed to be a properly formed message file. /Q filename address subject Create a new message to "address" (wrapped in quotes if it contains spaces) and with the given subject (again, ""'s if spaces are included). It then MIME encodes "filename" as an attachment and adds it into the outbox for sending. If a copy MR2 ICE is already running, that copy will take over and send the message. If no other copy is running, and MR2 ICE is invoked as above, it will load the message into the outbox and exit. To create the message, send and exit, without an existing running copy use: mr2i /XS /Q filename address subject If uuencoding is preferred over MIME encoding, add an "*" in front of the file name: mr2i /Q *filename address subject To set up PMFax to work with MR/2 ICE, simply go to Utilities->Settings->Program and insert the following text into the "EMAIL" field: d:\mr2i\mr2i /Q %FILE% %ADDRESS% %SUBJECT% /XS where d:\mr2i\mr2i is replaced with YOUR location for the MR2/ICE executable. The following commands will send a file as an attachment preserving the source file's name: mr2i / "File for you!" mr2i /q:* "File for you!" The second form of the command sends the file uuencoded, while the first form is the default of MIME /base64 encoding. /S Suppress mail polling. /SB Suppress Beeps on new mail. /SC Suppress Clipboard History Manager (SC = Suppress Clipboard). /SN Suppress news automation. Run news engine to manual mode. /T Suppress toolbar display. /TZ+ Enable MR/2 TZ DST adjustments (default). /TZ- Disable TZ DST adjustments. /V /Vfilename Display the named file as a message (in "ready to reply" mode). /W Use the old delete method. /X Tell a RUNNING copy to poll for mail. /XS Poll for mail, send all queued mail, then exit. /XX TBD /Z Select news data size model (default = SMALL). A command line parameter is used for now; it may end up being a new settings page. /ZS Small model: 80k initial, 122k first expansion /ZM Medium model: 256k initial, 348k first expansion /ZL Large model: 756k initial, 756k first expansion /ZH Huge model: 2MB initial, 2MB first expansion These are sizes per DAT file. Index files are expanded by 64K, which is a surprising and disappointing limitation of the database library. ============= === mr2iu === ============= mr2iu.exe is a utility that will talk to running copies of MR2 ICE. It's actually identical to mr2i.exe, except it's text-mode and will simply exit if a running copy is not found. This lets REXX scripts and other utilities control running MR2 ICE copies without the overhead of loading a PM app, and without the associated screen flash. For example: mr2iu /X will cause the running MR2 ICE to poll for mail. mr2iu / will start a new email to me, using a running copy. ============== === mailto === ============== mailto msgfile [toaddress [smtpserver [returnpath]]] toaddress address Single address . Send to to address in message file To: header. @listfile Send to addresses in list file @@listfile Send to addresses in list file with each To: header modified to match recipient. @!listfile Send to addresses in list file with the To: header untouched but with an "X-To:" header prepended. smtpserver name SMPT server . Use server named in SMTP_HOST environment variable. returnpath defines Return-To: header - default is nothing return codes: 0 Successful send -1 Message file does not exist -2 Sent-to address list file does not exist -3 SMTP Server did not send message -4 SMTP Service not available