filters.ref 05 Jun 07 SHL Basics: & And | Or ! Not ( ) Grouping ^ Force case sensititive match. ~ Force word match. \ Quote special characters. #"pattern" Match RegEx. Quote pattern to be safe. See below for supported operators. text Match literal text. Substring match. Lowercase does case insenstive match. Mixed case or uppercase does case sensitive. Text may contain spaces and some punctuation. "text" Match text containing special characters. Use "" for " in text. Backslash escapes seem to work. "" matches any string. &text SoundEx. $filename Match on strings in named file. One string per line. Default match is case insensitive. Use ^ prefix to force case sensitive match. Best used with {X} to qualify search area {Z}num Match if size of message is >= num bytes. {Z:H}num Match if header H has value >= num. {F}$@ Match if From address or realname in address book {T}$@ works too asof 02 Dec 02 RegEx pattern operators: ^ Anchor start $ Anchor tail [ ] Character range (case-insensitive) . Matches any 1 character + Matches 1 or more of the preceeding elements * Matches 0 or more of the preceeding elements \ Escapes regex specials It is unknown if {Z:H} works in a simple search. It is unknown if [^a-z] works in RegEx. It is unlikely that case-sensitive (^) and word match (~) work in RegEx. Basics and RegEx work in both simple and free form searches. Qualifiers: {C} CC {F} From {H} Any header {H:X} Specific header (i.e. X-Mailer). {M} Message body {S} Subject {T} To Note: {SF} means Subject or From Rexx Exits: Create mr2_rexx.$$$ to indicate match.